
2011.01.11 Green Turtle Cay…yep…still!

I have renamed the Leeward Yacht Club “Velcro South”… need I say more.

What have we been up to since New Year’s day aside from reading, walking the beach and doing boathold (?) chores. Not much but here are a few pics showing us doing just that..actually when I say “us” there is no pic of me…do I just look better behind a camera or I am just vain…probably both!

We have been for a couple of walks to our favourite beach on Gillam Bay. Unfortunately, the sand has shifted drastically, some say, due to retaining walls put up by some residents…they now have all the sand and our beach is being eroded as you can see on the pics of those poor palm trees which are just collapsing as the sand is being washed away from under their roots. It is still a lovely walk and David found lots of sand dollars.

Amazing root system...very wide but unfortunately shallow!
Still love that little island...is there a house on it?
We then had a gorgeous much needed downpour with a front on the 6th… The island needed water and Soli a shower.

The novelty of the full enclosure has not worn off.
What is David up to?
Is he REALLY!!!
Yes he is scrubbing the deck , could not resist all the free water!

D obviously not able to tear himself from the computer not even for breakfast.

Met Jan and Tom having lunch at the Wrecking tree
Sybil & Hannya on Bita Beach
The next day the weather cleared up but the winds were still quite fresh.. Hannya, Sybil and I went for a walk on Bita bay beach on the Atlantic side of the island.

On the 8th we had our Brits and Sibyl over for supper…we had missed Hannya’s big birthday and since it was Ukrenian Xmas and I had some goodies on board we had a bit of a celebration, champers, cassoulet and plum pudding with hard sauce....quite a combination...just like us I guess!

The beach at Bluff House
We then had an absolutely brilliant day, the kind of day we come down here for, as David says…. so we took the dink for a ride to the beach by Bluff House….again completely deserted, we scared 3 big green parrots who flew away protesting loudly our invasion, sorry could not pull out my camera fast enough… 

Laverne & Nika... best cooks and bar tenders...thank yoi
Back at the ranch for happy hour…these ladies know how to prepare my “special drink”….whatever the cocktail of the day is with half the alcohol….I think I’m going to dye my hair like that!
Karen, Val, Marjorie and Lynn
Try and picture 10 or so mermaids in there doing it with "Billie Jo"
 Every morning we have aqua gym in the pool..it is great for my knees and we all love it, when I came back David greeted me with “am afraid I have bad news” after I heard that the “B….y fridge had packed up again”, I started breathing again. We thought that there was a bit of of frost built up on the plates so we decided to defrost…remember all you nice people with frost free refrigerators who ask me “how was your vacation” ….well this is part of it !!!
As it so happened, it did not help and it looks like we must have another freon leak as we are getting far too many bubbles in the sight glass…..so David sent a poison email to the manufacturer and we are using the engine drive system…thank goodness we have a back up system that still works.

Frost free NOT
Can you believe all that was in the fridge/freezer!!!!
Got it all back in nice clean fridge...Whew!!!
To reward us for our hard work we went for a nice beach walk…
Black sound - Green Turtle Cay
The vanishing Gillam bay beach
This is the house where Neville Chamberlain British prime minister during WWII)  spend some of his youth.
Val shopping at Curry"s
Yesterday we went into town with Val & Reg for lunch, a bit of exploring and grocery shopping.

And I finally got one...
A handsome Green Turtle Cay rooster!!!
I received a very good comment on our blog from Joanna (Mysterious Ways) about Junkanoo....her daughter Charlotte had, I believe stumped the "cruiser's net" with a trivia question about the origins of the word Junkanoo....she said it was from "gens inconnus" which is French for unknown people which makes a lot of sense since they were masked...I like it ...thanks Charlotte.

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