
2008.12.03 Launch 

Well we are still in Savannah, but Soli now has a wet tuss! It has been a long hard day...I woke up a cripple but the Celebrex did its thing and got me reasonably useful, which was good as we had a big day....LAUNCH.....The trailer came to get us at 0930 and took her to the launch area, she was then transferred to the travel lift and then the whole yard was waiting for the brown truck…
Mr.UPS, carrying the precious zincs from San Diego....(trust me DT you would not want to swallow one of these no matter how bad your cold was!)they finally arrived... David screwed one on and down she went ...being gently deposited in the water....and she did not sink...and the engine started …yes Soli now has a wet tuss. David started bending on sails and said he did not need me…I was to rest my back...right!!!!....so quite a few hours later WE had done the sails...the bloody things are so big and heavy something higher than a 6 story building and the main weighs a ton...slight, very slight, exaggeration…it might be time to start thinking of a trawler. All was done eventually and Solitaire looks like a proper boat once more with all her bits assembled....and the dink was delivered...When I said she looked too nice and clean, the guy who delivered it told us a story of a customer who had requested a few patches to be applied to his brand new dinghy..have it "distressed" so it might not be as appealing to thieves! Now Soli needs a thorough scrub and for the yard to finish the fabrication and wiring of the solar panels. Hopefully this will be done tomorrow and we may get away on Friday… then of course we may not !!! Catherine away to to the canvas shop AGAIN....she has now been taught how to put on stoppers and slidders!!! Supper is ready and must away…. Amazing how much warmer it is on the water than on dry land !!! 16*C a heat wave. Sorry I have no pictures to post…I was kicked off the boat without my camera!!! Ma’am.

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